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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mutiple Intelligence Test

Today in class we had a go on the Multiple Intelligence test. There are 8 different intelligences, body smart (Kinaesthetic), word smart (Linguistic), number smart (logical), people smart (interpersonal), music smart (musical), myself smart (intrapersonal), picture smart (visual/spatial) and naturalistic (nature smart).

My strongest intelligence was people smart which means that youlike to mix with other people and you will belong to lots of clubs. You like team games and are good at sharing.My weakest intelligence is number smart which means you are good at mathematics and you are also good at solving problems.I think that my intelligence for musical smart, myself smart, body smart and picture smart should of been as high as what my people smart was. Also I don't understand why my word smart was so high.

It was interesting to see what my intelligences are and I would like to try it again!

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