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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Speech - Why you should eat in moderation.

Do you eat a huge amount of chocolate everyday, how about pies or even bananas, some of those foods are good for you but eating to much is harmful and you are not eating in moderation.

Moderation is avoiding excesses or extremes.Do you want to have a long healthy life or a short unhealthy life, your choice but i think you know what i'd do.Eating in moderation is simple all you need to do is 5 fruit and vegetable a day, 2-3 servings of dairy product, 2-3 servings of meat or fish, 4-5 portions of bread, nuts, cereals, & potatoes and lastly fatty foods should be eaten small quantities of 0-3 servings.

If you stick to a healthy diet then you will be making the healthy choice for your life. So what happens to those who choose not to eat in moderation?Well recently a 23 year old mother decided to lose weight by drinking 10-14 cans a day of red bull, Yes it worked she lost 45 Kgs! but wasn't sleeping and was exhausted she even had a minor heart attack, Now she still suffers the effects of this extreme diet including heart murmur and anxiety attacks.

And then there are those who consume too much, this is called obesity.One in twelve children aged 2-14 years are obese and one in four adults are obese in New Zealand, How bad is that!

On the other hand people go to the extremes of eating nothing.This is called Anorexia. 250 people a year have anorexia in New Zealand. Thats an outrageous amount! Anorexic people suffer from medical conditions such as hear, liver and kidney disease & also brittle bones.

Not only are these people harming themselves they are also wasting our taxes because our taxes have to be used for there treatment in hospital. This wouldn't have happened if they were eating in moderation.

You have probably heard that it is important to drink plenty of fluids. Yes it it but did you know that drinking to much water is very
dangerous. Drinking too much water is called water intoxication.

It damages your bodies cells and swells the tissue in your body, this can lead to irregular heartbeat, allow fluid to enter the lunges and may cause fluttering eyelids. Swelling puts pressure on the brain and nerves, which can cause strange behaviour. You can even die by drinking to much water.I bet you never knew that!. So make sure you stick to 8 glasses a day!

Next time you go to eat a chocolate bar or mabey a pie make sure you do the right thing, eat in small portions to live a long healthy live, I promise you, you wont regret it.

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